Wednesday 17 June 2015


Many people don’t see the need why they should hire the services of an estate agent. They opine that anybody can sell and do not see it necessary to involve an agent to sell on their behalf. In Ghana, this notion by some property owners not wanting to use agents to sell their property is a misconception; they have always lived with the belief that anybody can place a ‘for sale’ sign in front of a selling home. There are also free listing sites where property owners can showcase their property themselves, thanks to technology.  This might be simple when there is a shortage in supply of space in the property market. However, when supply exceeds demand it requires more than just listing on a free site and waiting for the phone to ring.
The agency job goes beyond just bringing buyers and sellers together. Their job is to sell land properties on behalf their clients. These could also be in the form of letting residential or commercial properties, businesses or land. Good agents always generate the maximum amount from the property and help it to sell faster. Real estate agents have the experience to deal with a wide variety of properties, and they're able to bring in a lot more potential customers than most people who try to sell on their own. Their background in building and construction assist them when it comes to dealing with properties that have structural and cosmetic issues. For those who do not recognize the job of an agent to be a professional one and think the agent does nothing to paid, here is the typical job description of a well-trained agent
·         Collecting information about a property and arranging for photographs to be taken;
·         Visiting and talking to the sellers about their property and its special features;
·         Estimating the value of the property;
·         Marketing and promoting properties for sale;
·         Representing the sellers in negotiation with prospective buyers;
·         Advising clients and helping buyers to decide what they want to buy;
·         Making sure that a price is agreed that is acceptable to both buyer and seller;
·      Keeping up to date with trends in the local residential property market, as well as the commercial market.

Also when renting an agent is supposed to ensure the following:
·         Proper screening of prospective tenants by collecting references and carrying out background checks;
·         Ensure properties meet legal and health and safety requirements;
·         Draw up tenancy agreement contracts;
·         Collect or organize rent payments;
·         Act as a property manager and resolve any issues that arise with properties.

The duty of an agent as listed above is simply to focus on product, price and exposure. It takes a well-trained agent to accomplish the task above. Without the requisite skills you can’t survive as an agent. 

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